Etoxification and neutralization of reactive oxygen species connected with infection [44]. Vitamin C can also be required for neutrophil function, as they normally accumulate ascorbic acid at eighty times the plasma concentration [45]. Also considered as possible mechanisms will be the ability of ascorbic acid to stimulate the production of interferon and other anti-viral cytokines, its ability to down regulate inflammation, and its direct antiviral properties [46?4]. The direct anti-viral activity of ascorbate has been studied extensively in vitro (animal studies are complicated by the fact that most laboratory animals synthesize ascorbic acid). In 1 study, as an example, millimolar concentrations of ascorbate or dehydroascorbate drastically reduced the potential of 3 distinct viral kinds (herpes simplex virus sort 1, influenza virus kind A, and picornaviridea virus 1) to infect cell monolayers [51]. Note that millimolar concentrations of ascorbate will not be physiologically achievable via oral vitamin supplementation, but may be attained because of this of intravenous vitamin C infusion. Suspensions of herpes simplex viruses (kinds 1 and two), cytomegalovirus, and parainfluenza virus type 2 have been inactivated upon exposure to sodium ascorbate (at pharmacologic concentrations within the millimolar range) plus copper, and ascorbic acid concentrations within the millimolar variety were helpful against human influenza viruses [42,52].Fmoc-Dab(Alloc)-OH structure In chick embryo fibroblast, infection with Rous sarcoma viruses was inhibited by ascorbic acid [54].2241720-34-1 uses The present manuscript specifics an analysis of EBV progression, by way of antibody assays, in sufferers undergoing intravenous vitamin C therapy.PMID:23771862 Our benefits, detailed under, add additional evidence towards the concept that ascorbic acid can be helpful in treating viral infections.Material and MethodsThe Epstein-Barr antibodies had been detected in human serum by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) according toThis function is licensed below a Inventive Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs three.0 Unported LicenseIndexed in: [Current Contents/Clinical Medicine] [SCI Expanded] [ISI Alerting System] [ISI Journals Master List] [Index Medicus/MEDLINE] [EMBASE/Excerpta Medica] [Chemical Abstracts/CAS] [Index Copernicus]Mikirova N.A. et al.: Impact of high dose vitamin C on Epstein-Barr viral infection ?Med Sci Monit, 2014; 20: 725-CLINICAL RESEARCHEBV early IgGmanufacturer’s guidelines (INCSTAR Corporation, Minnesota). The absorbance of solution was measured at 450 nm. The standard variety of antibodies to EBV viral capsid antigens IgG, IgM and EBV early antigen IgG were in range 0?0 AU. PCR-based system of EBV DNA detection in serum in conjunction with serological tests is actually a useful further test to the panel of tests supplied at our clinical laboratory. However, test was not avalable and we didn’t have data for analysis. The levels of vitamin C and vitamin D in blood had been attained by common clinical procedures. The study was performed under Institutional Assessment Board Approval of Riordan Clinic. Demographics had been limited to ensure confidentiality, and informed consent was obtained from all individuals. In the database of sufferers with EBV infection treated with IVC, we selected subjects for whom plasma antibody’ levels just before and after remedy had been obtainable. The particulars of the Riordan IVC protocol have already been described elsewhere [29,30]. Briefly, patients are offered IVC infusions in the 7.five, 15, 25, and 50 gram dosages. Dosages are adjusted by the.